President's Message

28 February 2022



Highlighting the positive nature of innovation and change





Monday Briefs is an opportunity for me to pass on vital information to members. It is also an opportunity for me to shine a light on initiatives and events outside a members’ practice area, which highlight the positive nature of innovation and change.

Last week, I had the privilege of attending my first Youth Justice Advisory Committee (YJAC) meeting. YJAC was established by Youth Justice NSW (YJNSW) in late 2016 to engage stakeholders who share an interest in the intervention and rehabilitation of young people involved in the juvenile justice system. There are six Youth Justice centres across the state which accommodate young offenders, and 35 Youth Justice community offices which provide community-based intervention for young offenders. Youth Justice is in the process of installing X-ray body scanners at two Youth Justice centres as a pilot this year and if successful, to the remaining four Youth Justice centres and two court complexes in the future. These scanners avoid the need to carry out partially clothed body searches which are invasive and distressing and can trigger traumatic experiences in young people. Body worn cameras are also being introduced at two Youth Justice centres to increase transparency and safety of both staff and young people during critical incidents. I look forward to engaging with YJAC further this year. 

This morning I had the privilege of attending a formal ceremony in the Banco Court to mark the retirement of the Honourable Tom Bathurst QC AC, as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of NSW. It was a wonderful occasion before the full bench of the Supreme Court, with His Honour’s family, friends, judicial colleagues, the Governor-General, NSW Governor, Attorney General and former Attorneys-General, court staff and members of the legal profession in the Court to acknowledge His Honour’s significant contribution to the judiciary and the legal profession.  Last Friday, the Supreme Court also farewelled the Honourable Justice Lucy McCallum and wished her every success in her new role, as Chief Justice of the ACT. 

With restrictions continuing to ease in NSW I am looking forward to seeing our workplaces come back to life and more in person events taking place, including here at the Law Society. From this week, the Law Society’s COVID Update will move into a dedicated section in Monday Briefs, ensuring we continue to keep our members updated about any developments.

Finally, our thoughts go out to all our colleagues dealing with the devastating floods in the state’s north. We are aware that many have been impacted with homes and practices being flooded overnight and evacuations taking place.  We have also been advised that the Lismore, Ballina, Byron Bay and Maclean Courts are closed today.

We are reaching out to regional law societies in affected areas to see what assistance they might need and to check that they, their people and families are coping. It is important that regional practitioners do not feel isolated at this time. Please also remember that the Law Society’s Solicitor Outreach Service (SOS) is also available to all NSW solicitors. It is free and confidential. Contact SOS on 1800 592 296. 

In the meantime, please all stay safe.

Joanne van der Plaat, President, Law Society of NSW