About the Mock
mediation competition
As mediation grows in popularity as an alternative to litigation, it forms an important part of modern alternative dispute resolution.
The Mock Mediation Competition provides students with an opportunity to experience first-hand the benefits of alternative dispute resolution and gain the relevant skills to resolve conflicts in a non-adversarial way such as active listening, self awareness, questioning, analysing, empathising, speaking clearly and logically and creative thinking. The problem-solving process is designed to encourage the parties to identify the issue in dispute, consider options and work towards an agreement that will meet the needs of all parties.
With the assistance of volunteers from the legal profession, the Competition aims to teach students important values such as respect for self and others, accepting difference, personal integrity and a belief that conflict, if handled properly, can result in a change for the better.
Open to students in Years 9 and 10, the Competition acts as a natural precursor to the Mock Trial Competition open to students in Years 10 and 11.
Follow the 2025 Competition
Keep up with the 2025 competition as it progresses and access materials for each Round.
To register for the 2025 Mock Mediation competition, CLICK HERE
Volunteer for the 2025 Competition
Take part in the 2025 Mock Mediation Competition as an Adjudicator.