The late Donald McLachlan
The Law Society of NSW acknowledges the long life and service to the law of Donald Ernest McLachlan. Don was a judge and Past President of the Law Society (1982-83). Adding his time as a solicitor member to his honorary life membership, he was one of our number for 42 years. Don passed away last week aged 97 years.
His funeral will be held this Wednesday, 8 March starting at 11am at the Northern Suburbs Crematorium. His predecessor (1981) as President, Michael Gill, has been asked to speak at the ceremony.
The Law Society conveys its gratitude for Mr McLachlan’s dedication to the law and his profession and sends condolences to his family and all who held him dear. Vale.

Buzzwords: Neurotechnology
The rise of neurotechnology raises ethical, social, political, economic, and legal issues that span many areas of law. On Wednesday 29 March, our panel of experts will explore the legal implications of neurotechnology and the challenges and opportunities such advancements present for the legal profession. 1.5 CPD units, members attend complimentary. Find out more.
Claims Costs Disclosure Portal now live
SIRA Claims Costs Disclosure (CCD) portal is now live. All costs related to damages claims settled on or after 1 March 2023 under the Motor Accident Injuries Act 2017 will need to be disclosed via the CCD portal. Legal practitioners can register for the portal and access the portal user guide here.
Law Society Journal March edition online
The March edition of the Law Society Journal is now available at the LSJ archive with hard copies hitting desks this week. With a focus on the sustainability of the profession, it features a profile on PIAC CEO Jonathon Huynor, an exploration of the legal lifecycle, plus essays and much more. Visit LSJ Archive to read it all.
Ceremonial Sittings of the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (Division 1) and (Division 2)
- Their Honours Judge Louise Goodchild and Judge Constantina Lioumis – Federal Circuit Court and Family Court of Australia (Division 2) Thursday 16 March 9.15 am (AEDT).
- The Honourable Justice Rebecca Curran – Federal Circuit Court and Family Court of Australia (Division 1) Friday 24 March 4.00 pm (AEDT).
Courtroom 7C, Level 7, Lionel Bowen Commonwealth Law Courts Building, 97-99 Goulburn Street, Sydney.
The sittings will be in person and live streamed. Please contact to facilitate final arrangements and to advise your availability by Friday 10 March 2023.
Upcoming baseline survey of DFV workforce
The Department of Communities and Justice will soon conduct a baseline survey of the specialist domestic and family violence workforce, and those from the broader workforce who have contact with victim-survivors and/or perpetrators, including solicitors. This is the first survey of the domestic and family violence workforce to be conducted in NSW. The data will be used in a range of practical ways, including identifying training and professional development needs of the broader workforce in responding to domestic and family violence and developing strategies to better support the wellbeing of workers. Members will be notified in Monday Briefs once the survey goes live.

First Nations Mentoring Program begins in May
The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions is calling for applications for its new First Nations Legal Mentoring Program. The Program, open to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander lawyers and law students throughout NSW, will match mentees with experienced Crown Prosecutors. The 2023 Program will run from May to December and is open to First Nations solicitors and barristers, and students currently undertaking a Bachelor or Master of Law or Diploma in Law. Applications close 24 April. Read more.
Last chance to order this week’s Foodie Feast
Take your tastebuds on a trip to the Mediterranean with this week’s Foodie Feast menu. Bursting with flavour, this menu features an antipasto platter, an aromatic seafood Paella, fresh green sides, and an ultra-rich Millionaires shortbread. Order by 10am Tuesday 7 March, for delivery Friday 10 March. Place your order.
Film ticket giveaway
The Law Society has three double passes for the upcoming Academy-Award Nominee film, To Leslie, and three double passes for the upcoming French Film Festival. For a chance to win, email your LawID number to with either TO LESLIE or FRENCH FILM FESTIVAL he subject line.