Public Record

June 2021


Smart ideas for government lawyers

Respect@Work: What’s it going to take?

Will the government’s response be enough to tackle sexual harassment in the workplace. Read more.

Vaccine equity and the case for limiting patent rights
Vaccine nationalism and the case for limiting lucrative monopolies of vaccine patents.
Requiring the jab? What’s reasonable in Australian workplaces
What is lawful and reasonable when it comes to vaccinations and the workplace?
The let down
Learning to live with disappointment is a sure-fire way to help build up your resilience.
Government Solicitor Awards 
Applications are open for public sector solicitors to apply for the John Hennessy Legal Scholarship (valued at up to $10,000) or nominate someone for the Michelle Crowther PSM Excellence in Government Legal Service Award. 
Government Solicitors Conference 2021 – registrations open
Registrations are open for the Government Solicitors Conference 2021 on Tuesday 7 September at the Fullerton Hotel. Early bird price available until 3 June.