Public Record

April 2021


Smart ideas for government lawyers

Decision making in uncertain times: Pandemics, planning and climate change

How the pandemic might inform our response to climate change going forward. Read more.

Limitation periods: Simple? Not always
Time limits – love them or hate them, you’ve still got to understand them.
The delicate balancing act that is industrial relations reform
Your guide to the most significant industrial relations reforms being considered.
Rising to the challenge
A growth mindset is possible in 2021, even in the face of ongoing challenges.
Introducing humm
We have partnered with humm as an alternative payment option for your 2021/22 practising certificate and membership. Humm allows you to pay your fees in easy slices over time. Choose from either five fortnightly or 10 weekly interest-free repayments. Be ready for renewals.
Membership renewals open 7 April 
Membership renewals open 7 April and we are excited to remind you about some of our valuable membership offerings. Experience LSJ's award-winning content, assistance from our ethics, cost and compliance experts, and member-only legal resources on the Law Society website.