Public Record

August 2021


Smart ideas for government lawyers

Can you ask that? Real talk with Indigenous lawyers

How far is the legal profession from really achieving equitable outcomes for First Nations Australians? Indigenous lawyers Teela Reid, Danielle Captain-Webb and Trent Wallace answer the tough questions. Read more.

Modern slavery
Why organisations need to explore ways to deepen assessments of modern slavery risks, while also planning appropriate ways to respond if actual instances occur.
Should we accommodate different people’s preferred working hours?
Research shows some people are night owls and some people are early birds. Getting the best from your team might require some flexibility.
Paralympic legend Ryley Batt on leadership
Captain of the Australian wheelchair rugby team Ryley Batt shares lessons from his impressive career, as well as the mental resilience needed in preparation for the pandemic Games.
First Nations Speaker Series
The Law Society of NSW has partnered with the NSW Judicial Commission and NSW Bar Association to bring you the inaugural First Nations Speaker Series. Hear from leading knowledge holders, sharing their work and understandings of culture and identity and its significance and relevance to modern practices and thinking.
Register now: FLIP Conference 2021
The FLIP Conference returns on 13 October, offering 10+ CPD units, 3 streams and 15+ sessions including: legal operation, client-centred design and legal process mapping, remote supervision, technological competency, matter management, and effective communication. Get your super early bird pass now from just $149.