Public Record

October 2021


Smart ideas for government lawyers

Social media and virtual courtrooms: modern challenges for the government legal sector

Have virtual courtrooms made justice more or less accessible? Is social media a government lawyer’s friend or foe? And can artificial intelligence streamline bureaucracy or will it become another tangle of red tape? These questions were just some of the talking points during the popular 2021 virtual Government Solicitors Conference. Read more.

The end of the line for the war on drugs?
The war on drugs hasn’t worked and experts say it’s time to change our tough on crime approach. In NSW, where community attitudes have been shifting over the past decade, research shows increasing support for treating illicit drug use as a health issue rather than a criminal justice problem. Is it time to consider reform?
Just Chat with Brendan Thomas
Legal Aid CEO and proud Wiradjuri man Brendan Thomas recently sat down with LSJ’s Just Chat podcast to talk about his decades of work improving the criminal justice system, how the pandemic ushered in sweeping changes to dispensing justice, his stance on coercive control, and why Aboriginal history should be visible on the streets of Sydney.
Mental Health Month
This month, the Law Society of NSW is hosting a range of skills-based webcasts to help you understand and achieve good mental health in your personal and professional lives. Experts will provide evidence-backed methods to help you manage WFH stress, create and lead resilient teams, and find your focus.
Final week to register for Future of Law and Innovation in the Profession (FLIP) Conference 2021
FLIP Conference 2021 on Wednesday 13 October delivers 10+ CPD, 15+ sessions, and 50+ speakers live online and on-demand. This full-day immersive virtual experience includes professional rules and ethical competencies essential for today’s lawyer, covering remote supervision, technological competency, matter management and effective communication, and legal operation and process mapping, including how metrics and right sourcing are transforming the delivery of legal services.