Public Record

December 2021


Smart ideas for government lawyers

The debate over National Cabinet

Intended for sometimes-warring state leaders to work together in a crisis, National Cabinet was front and centre in just about every news bulletin during the COVID-19 pandemic. Could a new bill shield this committee from public view?  Read more.

Navigating the murky waters of mandatory vaccination 
Why have employment lawyers become busier than ever as the world emerges from lockdown? Mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations could be the reason. Take a look at why this industry is being inundated with enquiries from both businesses and individuals wanting to know where they stand.
The case that changed me - Mary Crock 
Just about every lawyer has one case that stays with them for years to come. Mary Crock is a professor of Public Law and tells LSJ about a powerful refugee case she handled, which the system buried for far too long. 
Cyber and Data Security for every practice
On Monday 22 November, our FLIP Tech Tools webcast introduced a range of cyber and data security providers. Our panel of experts explored the strategies you need to have in place to ensure cybersecurity, the questions to ask when searching for the best provider for your practice, and more.