Public Record

February 2024

Lunch with Brett McGrath
The 2024 President of the Law Society of NSW is beginning his term brimming with optimism. He sat down with LSJ for lunch to talk about his priorities for the year, and how the Law Society can help its members prepare for the future.

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Lawyer wellbeing and workplace culture
Multidisciplinary researchers from the Australian National University and the University of Melbourne are conducting an innovative research study to look at lawyer wellbeing, workplace culture and ethics. We hope that all lawyers will take the time to contribute to this research and share their experience and views.

Learn more | Access the survey
Just Chat with Jahan Kalantar
Hear why there is so much more to Jahan’s story than being “the TikTok lawyer”.

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Proposed changes to jury laws risk ‘rushed verdicts’
The Law Society says proposed changes to jury laws include a proposal that risks reducing an important safeguard for majority verdicts.

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PRIDE 2024. Cocktail Party and Breakfast
Gather with friends and colleagues to celebrate the rich legacy of the LGBTQIA+ community, and especially those who paved the way for a brighter, more inclusive legal profession.

Cocktail Party · Thursday 29 February

Breakfast · Tuesday 5 March
Practice essentials for government lawyers: Mandatory rule 6.1 – live webinar
Hear from legal experts in this live online course as they discuss some of the current issues faced by government legal practitioners. Topics include ethical and professional responsibilities, optimal habits for high performing lawyers, and the latest developments in administrative law.

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