In the House

July 2024

2024 Annual Conference: Early Bird tickets on sale now
Join us for our 2024 Annual Conference, where the In-House Corporate Lawyers stream promises an unparalleled opportunity to enhance your legal expertise, network with leading minds, and connect with peers. This year's program features innovative sessions on emerging legal trends, from navigating climate change risks to the ethical dilemmas posed by AI, regulatory updates, and best practices tailored specifically for in-house counsel.

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The legacy of the Julian Assange case

There has been no case quite like that of Julian Assange. Multiple legal jurisdictions, high level diplomacy and of course, politics.

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The rise of ‘Lawfluencers’
Lawfluencers’, or lawyer-influencers, are permeating online social media platforms and raising questions about their impacts on legal and regulatory systems.

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Fending off work addiction
In the age of hybrid work and amid greater aspiration for work-life balance across many professions, lawyers can appear something of an anomaly.

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Just Chat: Chief Justice Andrew Bell
In this episode, Chief Justice Bell shares his thoughts on the bicentenary of the Supreme Court of NSW and what's next for the court. Supported by NobleOak.

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