President's message

24 January 2022



Welcome back to all our Members and Happy New Year




Even though COVID continues to disrupt our lives, I hope you were all able to put pens down, take some time off and relax with family and friends over the past few weeks.

In wishing you well for the year ahead, I am mindful that some of you are unwell, or are caring for family members who are sick. I hope you recover quickly and are able to lean on those around you for support.

On behalf of the profession, I look forward to working with government and the courts in navigating the challenges COVID presents to ensure we continue to thrive and succeed in our professional and personal lives and provide the best service possible to our clients. 

On that note, several jurisdictions have already altered their arrangements in early 2022. We will continue to provide you with up to date information regarding the operation of the courts and other legal processes through Monday Briefs and our regular COVID-19 updates.

Given the current Omicron outbreak and in the interests of health and safety, we have also made the decision to postpone the Opening of Law Term Dinner until Monday 28 March 2022. We are contacting everyone who has already RSVP’d to attend the event to advise them of the new arrangements and will continue to provide updates as required.

Looking ahead, having returned to Sydney from rural NSW to take up my role as President this year, I am keen to focus on and develop solutions for some of the issues facing rural, regional and remote practitioners and their clients. Whilst COVID may have reinforced the idea of “you can work anywhere”, being physically present and part of a rural, regional and remote community is both rewarding personally and professionally.

I am very humbled to serve the profession as President in 2022 and look forward to leading, supporting and growing a profession which has given so much to me over the years.

Joanne van der Plaat, President, Law Society of NSW