COVID Update

11 February 2022

Local Court update

As the number of COVID infections in the community has decreased, the Court is able to resume its usual work, and makes the following directions in order to balance the safety of those working within courts, the community and accessibility to justice.  These new directions commence on and from 14 February 2022 and apply until replaced by any subsequent memorandum. These directions apply to all Local Court sittings at locations in New South Wales, including both civil and criminal sittings. Read the new memo here.

District Court update: Jury empanelment at the Downing Centre

From Monday 14 February, juries will be empanelled in individual courtrooms and not in LG3 and LG4. This will return two courtrooms to the Court which are needed for jury trials. This is the only change to current procedures at the Downing Centre. Read the update here.

NCAT current hearing arrangements continue until April 2022
There will generally be no in-person hearings at NCAT until April 2022. Matters will proceed by audio visual link (AVL) or telephone. In-person hearings can occur with prior approval only in exceptional circumstances. Counter services are restricted. Parties can continue to lodge applications online or by post. Submissions, evidence and other secondary material should be lodged by post. People attending any NCAT premises are required to check-in and wear a face mask. For further information visit the NCAT Coronavirus (COVID-19) webpage here.
New advice to keep Australians ‘up to date’ with COVID-19 vaccinations
The Federal Government has released updated advice from the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) about COVID-19 vaccination status. This advice addresses what constitutes being ‘up to date’ with regard to COVID-19 vaccines. Under the new advice, a person is ‘up to date’ if they have completed all the doses recommended for their age and individual health needs.  ATAGI recommend that everyone aged 16 years and older receive a booster dose three months after their primary course, to maintain the best protection and an ‘up to date’ status. Further, ATAGI has advised that if it has been longer than six months since a person’s primary course and they haven’t had a booster, they will no longer be considered ‘up to date’ and instead will be considered ‘overdue’. Read the ATAGI statement here.
Tax deductibility of COVID-19 expenses

The Federal Government will introduce legislation to make clear that work-related COVID-19 test expenses incurred by individuals will be tax deductible. This applies both when an individual is required to attend the workplace or has the option to work remotely. This change will take effect from the beginning of the 2021-22 tax year and will be in place permanently. Read the Government’s media release here.

A boost for NSW with re-opening of international borders
The NSW Government has welcomed news the Federal Government is set to re-open international borders to fully vaccinated travellers from 21 February, saying it provides a massive boost for NSW tourism, investment, and trade. All foreign visitors to Australia will have to provide proof that they have received the full course of an approved COVID-19 vaccine. Unvaccinated travellers would still need to apply for a travel exemption to come to Australia and undergo hotel quarantine if they were granted permission to enter the country. NSW Government caps on quarantine for unvaccinated travellers will continue to apply. More here.