Bush Web Regional Law


What we do

The BushWeb Regional Issues Sub-Committee is responsible for providing and facilitating peer support for early career lawyers throughout NSW, particularly to those in regional and rural areas. BushWeb utilises the internet and technology to bridge physical distances and connect early career lawyers to facilitate discussion, participation and networking opportunities throughout regional NSW. BushWeb also advocates on behalf of its subscribers to raise and promote regional, rural and remote issues.

Our Initiatives

  • BushWeb provides regional early career lawyers with a platform to communicate and collaborate with other substantiative law sub-committees on the unique issues facing early career lawyers in regional NSW.
  • BushWeb contributes to social justice issues through their submission work as well as contributing to other NSW Young Lawyers submissions with a critical perspective on the issues unique to regional communities.
  • The Sub-Committee produces a regional handbook and a series of publications for lawyers living and working in particular regions of NSW.
  • The Sub-Committee coordinates the 29 Regional Delegates that are appointed by each Regional Law Society to act as their NSW Young Lawyers representative. These Regional Delegates act as both a representative of NSW Young Lawyers in their region as well as a representative of their region to the organisation.
  • BushWeb members have the opportunity to network with and support other regional lawyers throughout the State and within their community. Subscribers to NSW Young Lawyers are encouraged to join the BushWeb Regional Issues Sub-Committee in addition to any of the other 15 NSW Young Lawyers Sub-Committees.

Who we are

Chair: Jennifer Spear
Vice Chair: Jodie Sheen
Secretary: Dean Pickett

What's happening

Visit our FacebookLinkedIn and Instagram pages for information about our upcoming meetings and events. 

Policy submissions

You can view the NSW Young Lawyers Bushweb Regional Law Sub-Committee policy submissions here.