Eastern Suburbs Law Society: Lawyers Learning for Charity Conference

Saturday 31 August 2024 · 7 CPD units


Earn 7 CPD Points (including 3 compulsory CPDs) with morning tea, buffet lunch and parking whilst supporting a great charitable cause.

Event details


Saturday 31 August 2024


8.30am (registration) to 5.30pm


7 CPD units

Speakers: Will & Estates - The Honourable Philip Halen SC
Property Law Developments - Tony Cahill, Law Society's Property Law & Environmental Planning & Development Committees
Family Law - Dr Martha Barnett SC, Culwulla Chambers
Unfair Dismissal Updates - Joseph Catanzariti AM
Compulsory CPD: Practice Management & Business Skills - 'AI & The Legal Practice' - Jae Chang, Law Y
Compulsory CPD: Professional Skills - 'Preparing Clients for Mediation & Steps to take to ensure a Successful Mediation' - Kerry Hogan-Ross
of Kerry Hogan-Ross Mediations
Compulsory CPD: Ethics - Linden Barnes, Senior Ethics Solicitor, Professional Support Unit, The Law. Society of NSW

Crowne Plaza Coogee Beach
242 Arden Street
Coogee NSW 2034


Members: $500.00
Non-members: $550.00
Young Lawyers: $390.00 

Register here


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