International Day of Persons with Disabilities

On-demand · 1 CPD unit


In recognition of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the Law Society's Diversity and Inclusion Committee, in conjunction with Young Lawyers, invites you to an in-person address to be delivered by Rosemary Kayess.

Ms Kayess will bring her extensive experience as an international human rights advocate and academic to address matters of disability inclusion, including ways in which people with disabilities can participate fully in our legal community. 

We encourage legal practitioners, as well as anyone who is interested in finding out practical ways in which they can support and promote human rights and participation of all persons with disabilities, to join for a thought-provoking and important event.


Rosemary Kayess

Rosemary Kayess | Read Bio
Chairperson, UN Committee on the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law,
University of New South Wales

Moderator Keely McDonough | Read Bio
Content Specialist
Law Society of  NSW

Event details

Recorded on: Thursday 1 December 2022
Format: On-demand
CPD: 1 CPD Unit, self-allocated
Cost: Member - Complimentary
Non-member - Complimentary
Become a member


The recording will be available in due course.