2024 NAIDOC Week

In Conversation with Dr Terri Janke & Danielle Captain-Webb · 4 July 2024  



Join us for a captivating evening of dialogue and insight at NAIDOC: In Conversation with Dr. Terri Janke & Danielle Captain-Webb.

This fireside chat promises an elucidating discussion inspired by the 2024 NAIDOC theme, 'Keep The Fire Burning: Blak, Loud & Proud'. Following the discussion, attendees will have the opportunity to engage directly with our esteemed speakers through a Q&A session.

Dr. Terri Janke, a Wuthathi, Yadhaigana, and Meriam woman, is a leading ICIP expert and creator of the True Tracks® ICIP Framework. As Solicitor Director of Terri Janke and Company, she advises on legal matters and has developed key ICIP protocols. She chairs the Independent Review into ABC Systems and has received numerous awards.

Danielle Captain-Webb, a Wiradjuri and Gomeroi lawyer from Darkinjung Country, advocates for Aboriginal rights and justice. She is the Solicitor Advocate of the Coronial Inquest Unit and the first Aboriginal person elected to the Council of the Law Society of NSW. In 2024, she joined the Atlantic Fellowship to improve coronial inquests for First Nations people.

We hope you will join us for an evening of illuminating exploration of First Nations culture, identity, and resilience as we celebrate NAIDOC Week 2024.


Date Thursday 4 July 2024
Time 5.30pm - 8.00pm
Venue The Law Society of NSW
Level 2, 170 Phillip Street
Sydney, NSW, 2000
Dress Business




Member: $20.00
Non-Member: $40.00 (incl GST)
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1 CPD Unit, self-allocated



Danielle Captain Webb

Danielle Captain-Webb | Read Bio
Solicitor Advocate at Legal Aid NSW, Atlantic Fellow for Social Equity, Councillor at The Law Society of NSW, Non-Executive Director of Darkinjung Local Aboriginal Land Council

Terri Janke

Dr. Terri Janke | Read Bio
Solicitor Director of Terri Janke and Company, Author of ‘True Tracks: Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property Principles for Putting Self Determination into Practice’