3 ways to

encourage innovation

By Lynn Elsey ǀ 1 May 2018


Everyone talks about the importance of innovation. But how do you make it happen?

According to Judy Anderson of Melbourne-based innovation consultancy Inventium, one way is to create a culture of recognition.

Anderson says that research from Harvard University shows that recognition plays an important role in organisations where innovation thrives. “When people are recognised, in public or private, the level of innovation in people’s work rises significantly,” she says.

Recognition encourages us to be intrinsically, rather than extrinsically motivated, which is a more enduring form of motivation.

Here are three ways to recognise and encourage innovation in your workplace:

  1. Provide a platform – schedule regular meetings for people to share the efforts they are making towards innovation. Ensure these sessions include recognition for involvement, creativity and success.

  2. Encourage peer to peer recognition don’t rely on formal, top-down innovation award programs. Create opportunities that encourage peer to peer recognition, especially for the smaller things, and make sure it happens on a regular basis.

  3. Give recognition when it happens – act when someone has made efforts towards innovation, don’t put it off for a previously scheduled time or event.
