A new working group of
solicitors to tackle elder abuse
2 July 2017
The Law Society of NSW has formed a multidisciplinary working group of solicitors to investigate strategies to combat elder abuse./
The Working Group to Combat Elder Abuse will focus on all aspects of the mistreatment of older Australians, including those highlighted in the recent Australian Law Reform Commission Report such as financial abuse.
Law Society of NSW President Pauline Wright said older Australians more often faced verbal abuse, bullying or harassment or financial abuse by someone known to them such as a relative, friend, carer or neighbour.
"Heightened concerns about the alleged abuse, including financial abuse, of aged people in the retirement village sector and aged care sector have brought to the fore increased awareness of the need for more effective protection mechanisms for aged Australians," Ms Wright said.
The Working Group will investigate strategies to prevent elder abuse and produce recommendations, consistent with any national plan to address the problem.
"As indicated by the ALRC's findings, a national approach backed with sufficient resourcing and supported by the private sector is needed to ensure measures are not only developed but implemented in the future," Ms Wright said.
"The rise in Australia's ageing population and the increasing number of Australians living with dementia means there is an urgent imperative for such action."
The Working Group will also pay special considerations to the need for law reform and services to support Indigenous people particularly in rural and regional areas.