Indigenous Issues


Indigenous Issues Committee

The role of the Indigenous Issues Committee is to represent the Law Society and its members on legal policy and practice issues arising in relation to Indigenous people in NSW.

The Committee's priorities include developing and commenting on law reform and legal policy proposals; educating the legal profession about changes to the law, and providing guidance on practice and other issues; exchanging information about issues arising in legal practice; and providing steering advice to the Law Society on its reconciliation work.

In 2023, the priority issues for the Indigenous Issues Committee are Indigenous incarceration rates; domestic and family violence, care and protection and family law; Aboriginal self-determination, community empowerment and economic development (including reform pursuant to the Uluru Statement); cultural heritage protection, land rights, native title and natural resource management; consumer protection; and access to justice (including specialised court lists).

2025 Committee:

J. Behrendt (Co-chair), D. Captain-Webb (Co-chair), N. Abdi, Z. Armytage, B. Attard,  M. Brazel, D. Byers, S. Calnan, T. Cameron,  B. Charlton, S. Crellin, Z. De Re, T. De Silva, B. Dufty, J. Fing, M. Gleeson, L. Holden, M. Holden, K. Hooper,  J. Lovric, P. Mulroney, P. Novotna, C. Robinson, L. Stefanou, L. Walder, R. Welsh. (Policy Lawyer: V. Kuek)