President's message
LSJ Speaker Series, Thought Leadership and Just Art
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The rain, cold weather and an early start to the working day did not deter members from attending last week’s LSJ Speaker Series on bullying at the Law Society. That’s not surprising given our expert panel line-up for the event featuring Catherine Fox, an award-winning journalist and author, Will Barbsy, National Special Counsel to the Superannuation, Employment and Federal Compensation law practices at Shine Lawyers, and Craig Badings, a partner at communications, crisis and reputational risk management firm Senate SHJ.
The LSJ Speaker Series sparks important conversations on issues that impact on the profession and this event was no exception. It was a compelling and engaging discussion facilitated by LSJ’s online editor, Kate Allman. This panel discussion follows the Law Society’s LSJ cover story by Kate Allman in July’s issue, "The hidden workplace hazard", and the accompanying Off the Record podcast, which is now available online.
Thank you to our panellists and all who the attended the event for their contributions which will help keep the conversation going on improving the culture of trust, respect and inclusiveness in our workplaces. Confronting these issues is not just about values but also one of compliance with the statutory obligations set out in the Legal Profession Uniform Law Australian Solicitors’ Conduct Rules 2015 (Conduct Rules).
The Law Society’s most recent “FLIP Inquiry Series - Behind the Buzzwords: Globalisation” panel discussion was also a resounding success. Facilitated by Law Society CEO Michael Tidball, the discussion provided some useful insight into the ramifications of globalisation within the legal profession for solicitors, consumers, enterprises and corporations. It also drove home the message that, for solicitors to remain advisers of choice, it is critical they continue to examine and respond to the global trends impacting the provision of legal services. If you missed this event, keep an eye out for the podcast, which will be available soon.
Finally, we are excited by the entries that have been submitted for the Just Art competition this year. If you have a last-minute entry, please get in touch by email. Artwork can be in any form – painting, drawing, sculpture, printmaking or photography and should be based on the theme of “justice”. Don’t forget to save the date for the Just Art exhibition on 20 - 23 August 2019. All finalist artworks will be available for purchase with proceeds supporting national domestic violence prevention charity Our Watch.
Elizabeth Espinosa, Law Society President