
with neighbours


When you have a dispute with your neighbour, the last thing you should do is rush to court. The most effective way of working out a solution is usually to talk and try to come to an arrangement that suits you both. After all, you could be living near each other for a long time to come, so it’s probably in both your interests to stay on reasonable terms.

If the problem persists, you should always speak to your lawyer about your rights as well as any potential ways of solving the dispute.

For instance, instead of going through the court system your solicitor may recommend that you go through mediation as a way of reaching a workable agreement while keeping costs down. A mediator won’t make a strict ruling about who’s right or wrong, or impose any penalties. They’ll simply try to settle the dispute by having you agree to a solution you both can live with. You can find out more about mediation from your solicitor.