COVID Update

28 October

NSW COVID-19 statistics
NSW recorded 293 locally acquired cases of COVID-19 in the 24 hours to 8pm last night from 89,678 tests. Sadly, two deaths were recorded in that same time period. Our thoughts are with their loved ones. NSW Health has reported that 7,422 vaccines were administered in the same time period. To 11:59pm on Tuesday 26 October 2021 across NSW, 93.3 per cent of people aged 16 and over had received a first dose of COVID-19 vaccine, and 86 per cent were fully vaccinated. More information on today’s statistics here.
District Court update
District Court Criminal Practice Note 23 now applies to the sitting of the Court at the following venues: Armidale; Goulburn; Grafton; and Tamworth. Read the full Practice Note for information on resumption of trials, Court expectations and vaccination and testing requirements.
Supreme Court update
The Court has published an updated Corporations List Protocol, which can be viewed here. This takes effect on 7 November 2021 and replaces the Corporations List protocol issued by the Court in March 2020 in relation to urgent applications, motions and directions in the Corporations List.
Booster doses of COVID-19 vaccines recommended for people aged 18 and over
The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) have recommended a booster dose of COVID-19 vaccine for people who are aged 18 years and over. Read the advice here.
Changes to international travel
From 1 November 2021 (next Monday), fully vaccinated Australian citizens and permanent residents will be eligible for international travel without seeking a travel exemption. Children under 12 and those who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons will also be able to travel overseas without an exemption. More information about travel requirements and what is needed pre-departure is available here.
Grants available for NSW Small Business Month events
The NSW Government is helping small businesses bounce back from the pandemic with up to $640,000 in grants available to help organisations host events to generate new ideas and connect with fellow entrepreneurs. Grants of up to $2,500 for local councils and $3,500 for chambers of commerce, industry associations and not-for-profit groups are available to help them organise events for the fifth NSW Small Business Month in March 2022. Read the Government’s announcement here.