COVID-19 Update

22 October

COVID-19 cases

NSW has reported one new case of locally transmitted COVID-19 in the 24 hours to 8pm last night. Six cases in overseas travellers in hotel quarantine were also diagnosed. Victoria recorded five new COVID-19 cases as that state's case average continues to fall. More about NSW cases here.

District Court
Although residents of Victoria are required to self-isolate for 14 days upon arrival in NSW, a border entry permit (NSW) may exempt them from self-isolation when they are required to attend the District Court of NSW. Please be aware that the District Court's COVID-Safe policy requires any person from Victoria to contact the District Court before a border permit is requested or they attend court in person, to ascertain whether their physical attendance is required. The Court will usually be able to make suitable alternative arrangements in such cases. More here.
District Court Silk Bows ceremony
The District Court Silk Bows ceremony will be live streamed for the first time on Monday 26 October 2020 at 9:00am. Those in attendance are to observe social distancing rules at all times. Click here for Monday’s web-link, which has been scheduled to open from 8:45am, for the ceremony to commence at 9:00am.
Easing of COVID-19 restrictions
From this Friday 23 October, gatherings in outdoor public spaces and group bookings at restaurants will be increased to 30 people under a relaxation of COVID-19 rules. Under the new rules, 30 people can gather outdoors in public spaces (previously this was 20), there can be up to 30 customers per booking, and 30 customers per table at hospitality venues (previously the rule was a maximum of 10). In addition, as of 16 October, corporate functions of up to 300 people can now be held at any appropriate premises, including at restaurants, subject to a COVID-Safe plan (previously just function centres). Additionally, from 1 December 2020, the number of people who can attend weddings will be lifted to 300 people subject to the four-square-metre rule indoors and two-square-metre rule outdoors. More here.
Religious gatherings and gym restrictions to ease
COVID-19 restrictions for religious gatherings and gyms will be eased from Friday 23 October 2020. More here.
NSW case locations
Anyone who attended the Bathurst 1000 motor race on the weekend as well as residents of Bathurst with any symptoms that could signal COVID-19 should get tested as soon as possible after remnants of the COVID-19 virus were detected in raw sewage. Read more.
NSW public service to lead office return
Public servants across the NSW Government will begin returning to work in the office in coming weeks as part of a COVID-Safe transition. Flexible working arrangements, including staggered start and finish times, will be in place to allow as many workers to return to their offices in a COVID-Safe manner, providing a major boost for the Sydney economy. More here.
More flights to return Australians home
The Australian Government is facilitating additional commercial flights from the United Kingdom, India and South Africa to help more Australians return amid the unprecedented travel disruption caused by COVID-19. The Government has finalised an initial programme with Qantas of eight flights over coming weeks from London, New Delhi and Johannesburg. More here.
National Cabinet
Prime Minister Scott Morrison will convene National Cabinet on Friday. It’s expected the agenda will include the state hotel quarantine systems, the reopening of the economy, and returning Australians from overseas.
Staying well in the law
The Law Society of NSW offers services and resources to help members facing challenges to their mental health and wellbeing, particularly during COVID-19. This includes the new Solicitor Outreach Service, known as SOS. More here.
2020 Annual Members Address
Due to COVID-19 restrictions and to ensure the health and safety or our members, the 2020 Annual Members Address on Monday 26 October will be an online event. This year’s address will reflect on the many positive advances the profession has made during one of the most challenging years in the Society’s history. It will honour the 50-year members, and announce the winner of the 2020 President’s Medal. Register here.
SIRA Update
The latest e-bulletin (No 12) from the State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) is now available online.