COVID Update

25 November


NSW COVID-19 statistics
NSW recorded 276 new cases of COVID-19 in the 24 hours to 8pm last night from 74,926 tests. Across NSW, 94.4 per cent of people aged 16 and over have received a first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, and 92.1 per cent are fully vaccinated. Of the people aged 12 to 15, 81.1 per cent have received a first dose of COVID-19 vaccine, and 75.9 per cent are fully vaccinated. A full breakdown of today’s COVID statistics available here.
Supreme Court update
The NSW Supreme Court has published its latest update regarding protocol for criminal trials. This includes updates to regional trials, trial bubbles, cleaning and hygiene, and vaccination and mask requirements. Read the advice here.
District Court update
As of November 15, the NSW District Court has been operating fully under the 1.5m spacing and 2m2 rule principles, which includes jury trials. All updates issued by the Court regarding COVID-19 requirements available here.
COVID-19 vaccine indemnity
The Australian Government is reducing the claim threshold of the no fault COVID-19 Vaccine Claims Scheme to enable more people access to compensation for costs associated with a vaccine injury. Australians will now have ready access to compensation from $1,000 for COVID-19 claims related to the administration of a Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) approved COVID-19 vaccine delivered through a Commonwealth Government approved program. Read the Government’s release here.
COVID recovery for border towns
Projects to help regional communities bounce back from the impacts of border restrictions will roll out across the State borders under a $10 million COVID Recovery round of the Cross-Border Commissioner’s Infrastructure Fund. Interested applicants are invited to contact the Office of the NSW Cross-Border Commissioner with an outline of the proposed project. Funding is available to support infrastructure proposals in cross-border communities where there is a formal whole of government cross-border agreement in place. Proposals require co-investment, proportionate to the benefit, from the neighbouring jurisdiction or private partner(s). The COVID recovery round expressions of interest close on 28 January 2022. More here.