Daily Update

25 March

New social distancing measures
After a National Cabinet meeting overnight, Prime Minister Scott Morrison has provided further information on the latest social distancing measures to slow the spread of COVID-19. Australians should stay at home, unless shopping for essentials, travelling to and from work (where you cannot work from home), going to school, and exercising. Morrison also emphasised that “an essential worker” is “everyone who has a job in this economy … Every single job that is being done in our economy with these severe restrictions that is taking place is essential."
Federal Circuit Court of Australia

The Federal Circuit Court is currently experiencing a high volume of calls. Please check the website for updates about court operations before contacting the court via phone or live chat. The court has been developing its capacity to hear matters remotely and home office capabilities of judges and staff. Read more here.

District Court procedural changes

The District Court is making major changes to the operation of its criminal and civil jurisdictions. On and from Monday 30 March 2020, the Court will endeavour to limit, as much as possible, personal appearances in court rooms by the technological enhancement of its current AVL system. Legal practitioners will be expected to appear by use of the virtual court room. The Court will shortly publish details on how the virtual court room can be accessed.

Current District Court jury trials

Social distancing is being maintained in accordance with health advice in current jury trials and special arrangements have been made by the Sheriff of NSW for the wellbeing of jurors. These jury trials will continue. New jury trials remain temporarily suspended.

Practising certificate and membership renewals

The COVID-19 situation is moving quickly, and the Law Society is currently considering measures to support members. More information will be communicated in the coming week. Meanwhile, practitioners are reminded that to complete their renewals they will need an active LawID account linked to their practising certificate and membership. Activating your LawID does not take long: click the activation link, submit your details, and check your inbox for instructions to complete the process. Support available at (02) 9926 0185 or support@lawid.com.au.

Legal Aid NSW

Legal Aid’s office doors are now closed in order to protect public safety during the coronavirus. They are still taking calls on 1300 888 529 and thank you for your understanding. More information here.

Lidcombe Coroners Court restrictions

The Forensic Medicine & Coroners Coroner Complex at Lidcombe has put in place precautions to reduce the number of people attending the facility and to help ensure the safety of the broader community. Read more here.

ATO tax and super information

The ATO has published a one-stop-shop with essential tax and superannuation information on the COVID-19 stimulus measures. See also ATO COVID-19 FAQs.

COVID-19 emergency measures bill passed

The NSW Government has now passed the COVID-19 Legislation Amendment (Emergency Measures) Bill 2020. Read more about the measures here. Read the Law Society’s statement on the measures here.

Transactional work and social distancing

Many members have contacted the Law Society regarding social distancing during transactions including creation of wills and powers of attorney, and the appointment of enduring guardians. The Law Society raised these concerns with Government, which moved to include provisions in the COVID-19 Legislation Amendment (Emergency Measures) Bill 2020. The Bill includes a regulation-making power in the Electronic Transactions Act 2000 to provide for altered arrangements for the signature, witnessing or attestation of documents, and can include documents referred to under the Oaths Act 1900, Guardianship Act 1987, Succession Act 2006, Powers of Attorney Act 2003, Conveyancing Act 1919, or any other Act administered by the Attorney General. The Law Society will work with Government to enact such regulations as soon as possible.

Workplace entitlements and COVID-19

For information on workplace entitlements and obligations for people affected by COVID-19 go to the Fair Work Ombudsman's Coronavirus and Australian workplace laws and Pay during inclement weather and stand down webpages.

Impact of COVID-19 on businesses

While employees’ health and safety are priorities for all businesses, including law firms, what else should you be considering? Here is a law firm briefing note with useful information, or visit Fair Work Australia for guidance on responding to the crisis.

Accessing mental health services

Everyone responds differently to stress, and many may be experiencing distress for the first time. We have compiled a guide to accessing a psychologist and other mental health services.

Government text messages

From today, every Australian mobile phone will receive a text message from the Australian Government with important steps each person can take to protect their own health, the health of their families and the health of the whole community from the coronavirus.

Working from home?

The Law Society has compiled some tips for those working from home who might be struggling with productivity and motivation. Read here.

The Law Society of New South Wales
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