Daily Update

24 March

A message from Law Society President
Richard Harvey
We are living through challenging and unprecedented times. We are being asked to process vast amounts of new information and being forced to adapt to changes unimaginable a few weeks ago. As the COVID-19 situation unfolds, we have made it our priority to keep the legal profession up to date – whether in relation to the courts, CPD requirements, Law Society events and services, or the latest social distancing requirements. This information sits on a dedicated COVID-19 page on the Law Society website and is being disseminated through all communication channels, including Monday Briefs, Twitter and Facebook. To further assist you, we are sending out this Daily Update each afternoon to ensure you have access to the latest developments. This will allow you to make informed decisions in relation to the operation of your law practice. During this time of great uncertainty, our priority is to support you now and in the future. And to let you know that we will get through this together.
Emergency laws introduced to Parliament
The NSW Government will introduce an emergency Bill to Parliament today comprising a broad range of amendments to existing laws to help combat the spread of COVID-19.
Read a summary of the amendments here
Federal Court counters closed
The Federal Court has decided to close public facing counters and cease face-to face services from Tuesday 24 March 2020. While the counters are closed, staff are still working in registries and remotely to provide services and support to practitioners and litigants via phone and other online services. Read more
Federal Court special measures
Chief Justice, the Hon James Allsop AO has issued a Special Measures Information Note in response to the Coronavirus pandemic.
Federal Court and Federal Circuit Court
The Federal Court of Australia and Federal Circuit Court have flagged they will shortly be rolling out the use of Microsoft teams for use as virtual courtrooms. Trials are currently underway for future rollout. There is no need to purchase any software. It’s linked by accepting an emailed invitation. Practitioners will need a camera, and a headset or speakers. More information to come.
NSW District Court
All matters for sentence, conviction and sentence appeals are to continue as listed whether or not the offender/appellant is in custody. Where s 77 orders have been made for offenders awaiting sentence, the order should be cancelled, where possible, so that the offender may appear by AVL.
Local Court listing arrangements
Chief Magistrate, the Hon Judge Graeme Henson has issued a memorandum regarding listing adjustments during the COVID-19 crisis. They will take effect from Monday 30 March 2020. Previous arrangements will be superseded. The arrangements apply to proceedings before the Local Court including the coronial jurisdiction. Read more.
NSW Land Registry Services

NSW Land Registry Services (LRS) have introduced further social distancing measures. The new measures are available on the LRS website.

Australian Registrars National Electronic Conveyancing Council

The ARNECC is aware of concerns regarding the face-to-face identity verification regime and signing of Client Authorisations as a result of the evolving situation concerning the COVID-19 outbreak. Model Participation Rule Guidance Note #1 – Client Authorisation published on the ARNECC website provides guidance around the Client Authorisation.
Client Authorisation and Verification of Identity


WIRO strongly encourages contact via online forms or email (rather than phone) from Wednesday 25 March 2020. Please lodge complaints or enquiries online through WIRO’s online form or by emailing complaints@wiro.nsw.gov.au. Staff will return telephone calls within two working days. Operating hours will change to 8:30am-5:30pm.

Court of Appeal, Supreme Court of NSW

The Court of Appeal has changed the process by which the court receives authorities from practitioners ahead of hearings. Read more.

Wellbeing resources

The Law Society has compiled some new wellbeing resources for practitioners grappling with the current situation. Visit our wellbeing portal here.

Law Society facilities and services

There has been some disruption to the usual operation of Law Society services and facilities. For a comprehensive list of details on the Library, Reception, Dining Room and other services visit our website.

Change in CPD requirements

Practitioners are reminded that for the 2019-20 CPD year only, the Law Society will not be enforcing the five-unit cap on private study of audio/visual material as set out in the Legal Profession Uniform Continuing Professional Development (Solicitors) Rules 2015.
Read more.

Dedicated COVID-19 page

We are working as fast as we can to inform you with all COVID-19-related changes that will affect you. Please visit our dedicated webpage to find the most up-to-date information as well as more comprehensive updates relating to courts and tribunals.

The Law Society of New South Wales
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