Professionalism, integrity and ethics for the modern lawyer

Thursday 14 November  · 3 CPD Units 

A bird’s eye view into operating successfully in the post-Royal Commission World, including:

  • Managing the increased risk following the Royal Commission (whichever area of law you practice in) – how to be ahead of anticipated regulatory changes and a changing business environment.
  • The skills you need as a lawyer of the modern era.

This is a timely course offering a shake-up and new perspective for the profession, to set it ahead of the game, and not in reaction to recent events. Are you ready to be a true leader?

Please click here to view the program.

Hosted by Serryn O'Regan, Executive Manager Governance & General Counsel, Evolve College

  • Date: Thursday 14 November 2019
  • Venue: The Law Society of New South Wales, 170 Phillip Street, Sydney NSW 2000
  • CPD: 3 CPD Units
  • Tickets: $270 (Premium) / $386 (Standard)