FLSS Panel


Alexandra Zirilli* Douglas Hannaway* Katie Lahodny*
Alpana Roy  Edwin Fritchley  Kendra Millar
Andrea Boyd-Boland  Eva Xinjing Liang Laura McGookin*
Andrew Boog*  Fadia Slewa* Leonie Hansen*
Anjali Rastogi*  Fiona Kirkman* Lorraine Lopich*
Antonia Fontana*  Frances Doyle* Maurice Edwards*
Bernadette Smyth*  Gabriella Fabiani Miriam Ziegler*
Beverley Foster*  Ghania Dib* Nicole Smith*
Brett McGrath* Gregory McKay* Paul Fawcett*
Brittani Smith*   Helen Miedzinski* Paul Quinn*
Bruce Tilley*   Ilknur (Fatma) Bayari* Paul Walkden*
Caroline Antwan*   Jacqueline Minors* Robyn Lee*
Cassandra Youssef*  Jacqueline Sutherland* Shahen Davityan
Christopher Serow*  James Roche Sharon Payne*
Daniel O’Keefe*  Jessica Kastoun* Sophie Timmins Thomson
David Crawford  Jillaine Duve* Stephanie Azzi*
Deborah Chee* Joseph Sampson Stephen Boyd-Boland
Debra Gayle Meredith  Judith Swan* Susan Parker
Dennis Paltos  Kathryn (Kayte) Lewis Suzanne Hallas-Gleeson

* Registered Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner (FDRP)
(Arranged in alphabetical order by the first name of practitioners)